[Ps4] [H] Overpay? [W] White Octane

I commented generally about the downvote.

Thanks for the insult, u are an experienced user so u should know the rules well. I will however give u the opportunity to apologize. I got the screenshot if u wanna continue insulting or neglecting.

Finally lets return to the subject we discuss, a set is almost never sold for more than the wheels individually and you shoud know it better. YES it is almost always sold as a set because u get rid of the shitty colored wheels on the train. But that doesn't mean that the set is valued more.

I used to sell my white zombas for a discoset when discos were 65k as a set back in the days. Then I individually sold the discos for a total value of 105k and I did that several times so I know for sure and I have seen for sure that not one single set has been sold for more than the items sold individually.

If u talk abot striker zomba sets or striker apex sets, then ok u might sell it to gek or aggi for a riddiculous price but u can't generalize those examples.

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