PSA: Safari Event in Stockholm doesn't seem to know it was postponed

I didn't see anyone mention this so I figured I'd make a post. Mall of Scandianvia just outside Stocholm was/is lit today, on the same date the "postponed" event was originally scheduled. I had plane tickets and after what happened in Copenhagen last week I decided to go even though there was "no event". I'd call this an event. There were also some people in Niantic shirts handing out cardboard pikachu hats.

Now, we've seen both Kangaskhan and Unown spawn in many big cities in Europe and they are definetely in Stockholm as well but nothing like what was going on out at the mall. There were clusters of both spawning all the time and every pokestop was lured. Most people I saw were playing but there was seemingly no impact on the game itself in the morning. It started getting worse in the afternoon when I left though.

This is possibly a bit late if you didn't go to see if anything was happening there but if you're reading this now and you're in Stockholm maybe consider if you want to take a small trip.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread Link -