PvP Clip-Divide and Conquer

This character is level 85, for consistent invasions I've had success with this level.

Stats include:

Starting Class-Noble Scion (after calculating properly, choosing "professional" nets a better return. More of what you want for less levels)

Vitality:40 (helps with the HP decrease when invading, plus chikage life drain) Endurance:20 (you could probably bring this to about 15 if you really wanted, and used stamina increase runes/regen) Strength:10 (to wield chikage) Skill: 25 (for the softcap on scaling, makes your non 2handed chikage dmg comparable) Bloodtinge: 30 (if you were going to dump stats into any stat once you max out your VIT and END, this would be it. Take it to 50 if you want, should get you to about level 100 this way) Arcane: Default amount (don't put points in this)

The general idea with the build is simple, you want to 2 hand your chikage for early engagements and when your HP isn't critical. If you're not playing aggressive or your opponent is too passive, quickly switch back to 1 handed mode. Once you've lowered their HP to about 1/2-1/4 you'll want to turn off bloodtinge mode, this is about the time your opponent will start healing or seek an opportunity to do so. Relying on parrying off visual queues won't be enough to stop their heal, it's all about reading their body language and sticking at a close distance to be successful with parry windows as it was in past souls games. I'd recommend not locking on in pvp with the chikage as its moveset pushes you past the target you're locking onto and causes missed swings.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3APD2N5GMPs here's a great video for reference on how to make use of this weapon/build.

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