python code for crawling

hello thank you all for your reply I rewrote my code but it still does not work. webpage only has 50 pages but the code continues to crawl even after 50th page. Could you help me if anything is wrong with my code?

import os

import time import requests

def crawling(): front = '' behind = '&state=tokyo&city=&order=point&station-id=0' os.mkdir('curry2html_files') # i is page number i = 1 while True: r = requests.get(front + str(i) + behind) time.sleep(1) if r: print(str(i) + " th page crawling") with open("curry2_html_files/result"+str(i)+".html","w",encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(r.text) i+=1 else: break

if name == 'main': print("start crawling") crawling() print("crawling completed")

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