How Greece decided to deal with its debt.

"First off the newly elected Greek Government doesn't plan on "never paying any debt whatsoever", their main intention is to reduce the debt to a point where it is possible to actually pay it, and not be trapped by it for generations to come."

That's not the exact situation thou. You can interpret the way the greeks are handling it at the moment as saying:"You should give us a better deal because we might not be able to pay you the debt we owe you and exit the Euro Zone". It can be interpreted as forcing hands to bend or as the honest truth. Either way it's not the usual way a country deals with it's debts. It's nobody's fault but their own, you can't blame anyone else when Greece had a democraticaly elected goverment that hid it's debt, rode out the 2007 economic growth while piling on debt and making people happy by giving away more than they could ever make. You voted them, you are responsible. While the crisis hit everyone, it hit greece worse because they were doing shady shit. What I'm trying to say is that there are arguments to blame practically everyone and anyone but trying to find people responsible or blame those people or that people won't solve anything. Shit happened you have to deal with it.

"Recently, Greece asked Germany to pay them Reparation Costs from WW2, and whilst this may seem pathetic at first glance, it is a legitimate demand, for Greece, a nation that was occupied and "quasi-enslaved" by Nazi Germany did in fact not receive any money whatsoever. "

Asking germany for reparations is BS and will never happen. Did anyone actually think what would happen if they actually gave the money? First of all how much money should they give? Who can quantify? Second if they start giving 1 country, then the others will demand as well. It would just create retarded tension and just start the same old shit we left behind in Europe 65 years ago.

"It should also be noted that in the past few years, the formerly leading party New Democracy (center-right) did everything the EU asked them, too, and the results were still quite unsatisfying, leading to the electoral victory of SYRIZA, the coalition of the radical left. This Election is seen as a european gamechanger, as the doors are now open for other, less moderate leftist Parties (like Podemos in Spain)."

Trying to put this thing on the EU is BS again. Was anyone doing okay after the crisis hit? No, everyone had it bad. Some worse than others but you can't possibly say: "Ow, we tried something that everyone else was doing and it didn't work so it's your fault". Alot of EU countries did the same shit,meaning they stopped spending and cut back on making debt.

"Greece is now trying to reach a common point between what the EU (and most notably Germany) wants from them, and how much they are willing to pay whilst still being able to create more jobs and consequently ridding themselves of the growing poverty emerging in their Country."

Yes and no. They want to arm wrestle for a better deal because they know Germany dosen't want them to exit Euro zone. I mean it's okay to negotiate for a better deal but it depends on how you do it in my opinion.

Poverty dosen't just appear out of thin air. The real diference is they don't live off debt anymore and the crisis hit everyone.

I don't know if you are implying this, but that's how I interepret it: I don't understand how is EU to blame for what the greek gov did in cooperation wtih banks?

I just think the way you made your arguments make it seem like you are trying to say: "Hey the greek did nothing wrong so why does the world suck?". When the gov did some stuff wrong. Not to mention the world isen't fair for anyone.

I just hope negotiations work this shit out.

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