Noir-vision, and you can too. Having darkvision doesn't stop making things go bump in the night.

"If you had to live your life without color, would it be scarier?"

Lol no how can you??? Is that a joke? Your life would not be threatened by seeing only in "grayscale".

"If you had to live your life in dangerous dungeons and suddenly going blind, would it be scarier?"

Damn right it would be.

For a PC no light means BLINDNESS, which is super duper bad. And we *all* experienced both looking at stuff in grayscale (unless you've never read paper newspaper or even looked at black and white images or films, which I highly doubt), which produces nothing huge, no feeling of "dread", and we also *all* experienced not being able to see in darkness and the horrible feelings that can give (remember that late evening late family camping in the woods and uncle Blob couldn't help but traumatize the kids with his freaky ghost stories?).

So, please, don't compare apples and oranges.

/r/dndnext Thread