Questions about Asatru from a christian.

  1. I think it's more accurate to say I have believe in a kind of animism, and that because I'm from Northern Europe that manifests in a Northern European context. I think Shinto is probably the largest similar religion, which is a very similar animism but filtered through the culture of Japan. So why animism? It's the only thing that makes sense to me, to be honest. It would be easier if I were monotheist, for example, but it just doesn't feel right to me at all. I was raised atheist but 'spiritual'; it likely has something to do with that. The only alternative for me would be complete atheism, which seems to me to imply nihilism, which I can't accept.

  2. Self-study, mostly reflecting on the religious practices of pre-Christian Germanic cultures, and those of other religions too, and trying to reach a balance between them and what I feel in my gut. It might be nice if we had churches, but I don't necessarily have at all the same worldview as anyone else who calls themselves heathen, which could make that tricky.

  3. I practise either alone or with my girlfriend.

  4. I'm English, and my girlfriend is Norwegian. Together we've come to a kind of middle ground between Anglic and Nordic tradition.

  5. Probably, but not necessarily. It's not really relevant to me though.

  6. In my mind, one's culture is what matters, not one's ancestry. If I had the same ancestry as I do but grew up in Japan I might very well be practising Shinto. I'm not sure it makes sense for someone to revere the sacred in a Germanic context without having a Germanic 'overculture', but so long as they approach it respectfully I have no problem with it.

  7. They are stories. I think mythology is a way of expressing a cultural worldview. It is the response of the Norsemen to what they perceived as the sacred. My culture is obviously different to theirs, although shares certain aspects and traditions, which is why I think it's worth my studying them (besides being generally pretty interesting).

  8. I'm not sure we know enough about ancient Norse faith to say either way. Still, if you look at the beliefs of all the Germanic tribes throughout Europe, their beliefs vary hugely. I would say my beliefs are fairly close to beliefs common to all these peoples, although all religions have had to adapt to modern life and scientific progress.

  9. We don't really have an established clergy. Where communal practice takes place we'll need people to organise it, and where a temple is built we'll need people to keep it running. Besides that, not really.

  10. I assume we're talking about 'gods writ large', as opposed to smaller whits (vetter) and the like. In that case, the Lord and Lady (Frøy og Frøya). I also have something of a fondness for Thunder (Tor).

  11. Couldn't say.

  12. I'm not wholly opposed to proselytism, but I'd only be interested in converting my own folk, and I also don't wish to cause disharmony with those very people (that would go against my beliefs anyway), so I don't tend to. If I have children I'll introduce them to heathenry, though I'll also draw a clear distinction between faith and fact...

/r/asatru Thread