/r/all, provide me with factual data that Donald Trump is a racist.

Let me ask you this, in all seriousness:

If someone was murdering people for years, all the while being a contributing member of society by paying taxes, and working, would you excuse their crimes because they were contributing to the wealth of the country? Or would you uphold the laws that exist?

Have you ever worked at a company where people skirt by the rules and cut corners because "in the end it works," but it also subverts the system in place and ends up causing problems somewhere in the company infrastructure? There are intrinsic reasons why tax laws and economic laws are in place. People who skirt outside of those laws and are here without documentation are hurting the country and the economy somewhere. Additionally, when your friend gets hit by a car, and ends up in a coma for 4 months, then the police say "it was likely an illegal immigrant - that's typically the case in most hit and runs because they don't have insurance and they don't want to get deported," do you stop to think that maybe your friend could have avoided paying for all his expenses out of his own pocket or his own insurance if the other person was a legal citizen and had the means to do the right thing?

Additionally, my mother is an immigrant. A legal one. It cost her time and money to be so. She went through the proper steps and legalities to become a citizen here. Why should someone else be allowed to cheat the system and do things on their own terms?

I have never understood any of the arguments for illegal immigrants being here and being given shelter outside of sanctuary for war victims. None of them make any sense.

Unfortunately, people automatically assume "immigrant" to mean "Mexican," so cognitive dissonance is applied to turn it into a "racist" thing, which is a false flag altogether.

Donald has welcome immigrants to come here legally. We have a system in place to allow it and make it happen. He isn't looking to shut down the borders and not allow immigrants into the country, just that the laws that already exist be upheld more vigilantly.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent