Radical Islamic Terrorism and modern liberalism: is there much difference at all?

Firstly, I'm crazy liberal and you're wrong on what we believe. The majority of liberals don't believe a thing you think they do. Only some in the stupid fringes do (or the uneducated generally).

Students already get loads of cash, they sign up for FAFSA, TAP, and subsidized loans. I'll sound like the libs did when the price of gas went up and everyone complained about Big Oil, WHAT ABOUT BIG COLLEGE? They don't NEED all that MONEY!! Libs never attack colleges because that's the liberal indoctrination factory, so they can't bite the hand that feeds them.

So I would like to point out that the majority of college tution increases isn't from greedy professors or whatever, it's actually from declining state funding for these public colleges. ( https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/fancy-dorms-arent-the-main-reason-tuition-is-skyrocketing/ )


Unless there's a viable alternative to fossil fuels (and there is no viable alternative)

To quote Trump himself: "Wrong." :P

Nuclear is an amazing alternative to fossil fuels. Combined with other alternatives sources of energy like wind, solar, and hydroelectric we can transition (not instantly, but over time, so we would still have fossil fuels while we transition to these other sources) to more eco-friendly sources of energy.

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