Random favour to ask the comm...

You’ve spent $127,740 in those two and a half years if you’re paying for eights of ok bud. $159,675 if you’re buying good weed. Unless you sling and buy big packages or you grow it’s not really a problem cause it’s making you money and you pay less to buy in bulk. Is the temporary feeling it gives you worth that kind of money? You could run a business, own real estate, trade stocks full time, whatever goals you wanted to chase in life you could have it with straight up cash like that. I use to smoke like this. When you smoke this much you aren’t able to enjoy life without being ripped, relationships fall off with your friends and family who don’t support the habit, ambitions go out the window, goals are nonexistent. You’re just going through the motions without actually embracing the struggle learning the lessons life gives you. Only you can answer that question if you’re smoking excessively nobody else can do that for you.

/r/420 Thread