A rant about preachers and intuitive eating

This has been my experience as well. In fact, I used to see a very granola-y registered dietitian who constantly preached intuitive eating to me and demonized calorie counting until I realized, she’s a tiny woman who probably didn’t grow up overweight, hiding in the basement eating her feelings in the form of frozen Twinkies her parents were trying to hide from her. She was very big on HAES too. Yes, health at every size, coming at me from someone who has never been larger than a size 6. She was a very kind and sweet woman and I’m sure she helped other people, but she didn’t get my issues and seemed to think 170 lb. on my 5’4” body was my set point. Finally one day I was like, “Heart problems run in my family. I’ve been overweight most of my life and it has negatively impacted every facet of my life. This is not my set point. This is my starting point.” I just don’t have the right mindset for intuitive eating. I do much better when I track.

/r/1200isfineIGUESSugh Thread Parent