They’re becoming self aware

ALL OF THAT INCEL IS INVALIDATED BY THE WAY WOMEN HAVE TO BE TARGETS OF EXTREMELY ABUSIVE SEX TO BE PART OF SOCIETY, SUCH AS HAVING TO BE FACIALLY ABUSED, ANALLY FISTED, STRANGLED AND BEATEN UP BY THEIR MEN. As men of today are not satisfied with anything less. And WOMEN HAVE TO HAVE RELATIONSHIPS, TO BE ABLE TO HAVE IRL FRIENDS TO POST PICTURES OF ON THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE, TO GET SOME FOLLOWING AND TO GET A JOB. Because NO ONE wants to be a friend of a woman who has no relationships (but orbiters only), and NO ONE wants to follow a loser with no irl friends and NO ONE wants to hire a loser with no following. That's just the way it goes these days, as people are being defined according to their SOCIAL FUCKING MEDIA. And sex is defined by porn. So, STICK THIS INTO YOUR SKULL, before you next time start spewing your shit about how women are having it easy. ROYAL QUEENS DO NOT HAVE TO BE TARGET OF VIOLENCE FOR ABUSIVE SEX TO NOT DROP OUT OF SOCIETY. Women of today have to, and thus they are more like TRASH, collection of holes to be fucked and pieces of meat to be beaten up by men.

/s: I'm just going for parodies of certain radicalized views. Suggestions to make it more obvious are welcome.

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