I'm An Incel In Action, AMA

Dude, this totally hit the nail on the head. The whole "incel movement" is a giant pity party. Dude, we get it, being rejected is miserable man. It can really hurt. However, sitting around, complaining and wallowing in the rejection won't help anything man. Ok, you're getting rejected, you don't feel like you're attractive to women, why? Why is that? You have to search deep down bro and be honest with yourself. Are there parts of you that need work? Maybe is your approach or how you present yourself a little off? Can you hold a conversation? Etc, etc.

There are a million different factors to being rejected, so I know it's easy to get down and really feel unappreciated and unloved. I totally get it, I consider myself a relatively good looking and put together dude and I've struggled with feeling unwanted and unattractive. It fucking sucks. And I've gone through periods of being angry at women, but those feelings fade, because I don't want to carry around those feelings, when I realize that the right woman will come around and in the meantime I'm going to keep working on who I want to be.

I think a lot of this incel shit is dudes with very bad self esteem. You have to build yourself up and become a person you like and respect first before worrying about having a partner. Your feelings about yourself are far more important than how others view you.

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