Recruiter may be just trying to hit quota?

Okay that is another thing i'm confused about. How do I get a recommend or highly recommend its all very vague. I understand that joining will be a longer wait and I told him i'm okay with that, especially since you know i'm going to be signing a contract where I won't be able to leave I would at least like that to be with the Branch of my choice at least. He mentioned all roles in Space force are in air force except space ops, but my main thing is I'm okay with most roles in space force but not okay with most roles in air force. If i settle for the branch I don't want I have a higher probability of getting placed elsewhere. ALSO 4 bases in SF, CO, CA, or florid all choices I'd favor. VS being placed in alabama or 21 palms idk, i'm not trying to come off job locked or not I already done my research and am okay with the choice SF provides more so AF.

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