Resurrection Church Recruitment on Campus

Had a guy approach me out of the blue like the first week of campus. I was walking back to Stearns and he asked if he could ask me a few questions. Me figuring it might be for a class he is taking said "okay" from where he then said that he is asking students questions about religion.

This sort of set off red flags as I don't really believe in religion, but I answered his questions anyway. I noticed he was... off? I'm sorry, but I don't know of a better way of putting it.

Now, at this point I really want to just walk away because something seems very wrong to me. I just answered all of his questions, and then after the fact he asked me for a phone number.

I gave him a fake one. Sorry to the guy that got called by him. I hope when you got the call you marked it as spam and went on with your day

I have only been asked one other time to answer questions from I just blatantly ignored the guy and walked past him, granted he did try to get up in my face which was rather annoying

I'm sorry but if you're going around campus asking random questions, and I don't care what it is for, I'm going to ignore you

/r/cuboulder Thread