Reynad talks about his thoughts on Heroic tavern brawl for 10 minutes. TL;DW in comments.

There are already many, many ways for experienced players to play... They are called tournaments and they happen all the time, Legend players also have their own special club where they play together for points to compete in tournaments...

The Tavern Brawl was supposed to be about fun and weirdness, a place where new things could be tried and each week would be a completely new experience... But now, for no adequately explained reason, they have erected a very large wall around it with a reward structure that is guaranteed to take money (or gold) away from people who enjoyed Tavern Brawls... Remember in HS you are guaranteed to lose 30% of your games...

Reynad is flat out wrong here, HS does NOT need some end game for experienced players, that is already catered for... In fact the opposite is true, new players need more help improving their decks, the rewards for ladder play are laughable...

If this had been a completely separate mode with a lower barrier for entry I doubt many people would have complained (for example why not make it just for those who have achieved Legend this month and give bonus tournament points as a reward? Why tie it to Tavern Brawl at all?)... There is already something like this in HS, the alt hero skins and card backs, they have a high cost and/or requirements but people generally don't mind them, I certainly don't because I don't need them... This new brawl is taking something away from me that I already had...

/r/hearthstone Thread Link -