Richard Sherman (of Seattle Seahawks) on media sensationalism [X-Post from r/videos]

I know this is meant to relate to media politics, but I'm really glad that Sherman is a big enough star to be able to come out and say this (implying that a player with less star power would get shunned by the media for saying the same thing).

Competitive sports teams are so complicated, and that complexity amplifies at the pro level (where you live and die by results, and your 'job' is to win). There are so many things that happen on a daily basis, so many considerations to be made by coaches, players, management, etc., that it would never be possible for a journalist (who didn't play) to comprehensively cover a situation. This is why I believe most smart ex-pros have little to say when they retire and move up to the booth. A smart ex-pro knows that situations are more complicated than 'looks like the QB is struggling to get along with the CB'. But playing it safe and giving moderate opinions doesn't get clicks. So, you wind up with idiots spouting nonsense about situations they don't fully understand...

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