What sort of headcanon do you give your character?

My original character who eventually sided with the Railroad: she grew up wanting to be a civil defense lawyer and met that goal successfully, but as the global conflicts grew worse, she enlisted in the military in a non-combat role where she met Nate. She got weapons training as a part of her service, though she was more into desk work, and eventually after they both finished their service, she and Nate married and decided to start a family. When she woke in 2287, she immediately met Preston and company in Concord, where she learned the state of the world and honed her weapons skills, which had become rusty. Her intellect and sharp mind, as well as professional military training compared to most opponents, made her a deadly sniper in a very short time. Raiders did not have the education or discipline to shoot with such precision over such long distances, performing all the mental calculations that necessitated.

She learned of the good side of Synths through Nick, and sought out the Railroad. After the Battle of Bunker Hill, as well as the conclusion to H2-22's story, and learning of things like University Point and the FEV Labs in the Institute, she grew increasingly weary of the state of the Commonwealth. She killed Shaun on the roof of CIT with a point-blank Gauss Rifle to his head just as he teleported off the roof as he disowned his own mother. His body went flying, but as it was already in the process of teleporting, it never hit the ground.

From then on, with the death of Glory and others, she decided that law and order was untenable in a world where society barely existed, and took justice into her own hands, liberating synths, and collaborating with Preston to rebuild the Commonwealth into a democracy, after destroying both the Brotherhood and Institute, as they were authoritarian barriers that would never allow a free world to last.

/r/fo4 Thread