Why Riot Need To Start Looking After Their Pros - Richard Lewis

Players could use more money, but LCS players get money from things like streaming donations and subs as well, which i've never seen Forgiven do, so he's missing out on money he could be getting just from that. Also he doesn't seem to win much regardless of skill, so if your not winning, and not taking advantage of the other stuff...I can see why he's unhappy.

As for Riots system sucking cuz no 3rd party international scene...I mean I don't hear people complaining that no outside 3rd party companies are allowed to throw MLB games, NFL games, etc. I do agree there should be more international events tho, cuz they are fun as hell to watch and really show contrast between regions...as well as having a nice payout for the winning team which gives it that "playing with big money on the line" feeling to the event.

As for salaries, I think pros should be seeing increases more and more, but I don't find it stale or boring, and I dont see why pro players cant handle it. Look at any sports athlete and they have a contract for a certain amount of money each year, and they still have to play a season with tons of games that may not mean much. Why does a competitive scene always need big money on the line every game to play hard and try to win. Sports athletes can handle it this way, don't see why esports players can't as well. Athletes work out side stuff tho like sponsors tho which I think esports players should do as well. Whether this be side stuff with streaming/etc or doing sponsor stuff thru the team and getting money for that, but I don't see this as a problem, just something we have to work slowly towards.

People are just really anxious and want it all now now now, calm down eSports is still growing.

Also I don't really get the hate for the game that Forgiven has. He was trashing it pretty hard saying it wasn't competitive but come on, i've played HotS...I find League WAY more difficult. But I don't mind it existing...not gonna call it shit cuz I don't find it challenging lol.

/r/RiotFreeLoL Thread Link - youtube.com