Rockstar, do you hate people who have friends?

If the CEO is the only person making money ...

... he's a shitty CEO, and he doesn't deserve that money.

If you want to start jobs where no one risks anything, everyone goes through the motions, and everyone makes quick cash, go do heists. CEO work isn't for you.

The idea behind owning a business (or MC) is that the player can generate large amounts of cash for himself and his associates IF he knows what he's doing, and uses the resources granted by Rockstar.

But you MUST run your organization like a business -- you can't make money unless you spend money, and you have to take risks to reap rewards. That's not just with buying and selling inventory, but in running a solid crew. Do VIP jobs between crate runs, share your cut from those jobs. Use Ghost Org. and Bribe Authorities and Merryweather mercs if you're getting heat from hostiles or cops. You've got a ton of things you can do - even if you stay in your office and the associates remain in the field - to ensure a smooth and profitable operation.

If you manage all that properly, you'll develop a loyal crew who will be there for you when you go to sell the contents of a warehouse. In fact, you might just hold off selling until starting the next session, do that first, then spend the next few hours refilling your warehouse and your associates' pockets.

If you're a good CEO with a steady crew, you should have other players begging to get in your organization because they see and hear you're a major BAD ASS. And you should know talent when you see it -- I'm a lone wolf player, but if I was running an Org. and saw a Hydra griefer in the session, I'd be looking to fire my weakest associate and hire the griefer. Survival of the fittest.

But if you're not committed to intelligently running a successful operation, and instead just want to grind crates, then don't do CEO work unless you run solo.

/r/gtaonline Thread