Salaries for US based remote jobs?

remote dev living in Canada and I don’t even look at Canadian jobs, pay is too low. Only US/EU. Paid in USD, converted to cad when I need it. No benefits usually since they often aren’t registered in Canada, but pay for it yourself. Significantly outweighs Canadian salaries in talkin double at minimum, on average. Much more jobs too.

Only difficult thing is sometimes US companies only want devs in US, and sometimes they are open to all North America/ or entire world etc. but get an American salary because the jobs the same and the pay is better almost always. Maybe it’s different for other industries but there’s my two cents. Been doing this for almost a decade.

Almost never have I seen anyone reduce the salary simply because I’m in a different part of North America or outside of EU. Cost of living is after all, roughly the same. It would be different if hiring devs from non native English speaking/low cost of living/(perceived) lower quality dev parts of the world

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread