Salvia zipper [OC]

This is the story of the only time I smoked salvia.

I was at a headshop and noticed that all their salvia was 75% off. There was a sign that said possession of salvia was being made illegal in less than a month, so this place was trying to deplete their stock. We looked up a few recommended brands and dosages and stuff and picked all of the best ones. We got an obscene amount for the price of a pack of cigarettes.

Back at home, I was with 4-5 people and we were all going to try it for the first time. I volunteered to go first. I think we packed too much into the bong. I ended up with ashes on my face, because the person who was supposed to grab the bong and the torch lighter after I hit it failed me, and I fell back onto the couch with everything still in my hands.

Someone says to me "You've got salvia all over your face!" I rubbed my hand across my mouth and said "Not my saliva!"

I thought he meant I was drooling. I could not comprehend that he was talking about the drug.

Then I mostly blacked out.

I remember feeling a sensation like someone pressing down on me and like I was sinking really deep into the couch. I felt really warm and sweaty, but I don't even remember if I saw any visuals. Everything just went black.

Memory restarted and I was laying on my bed feeling fuzzy. It had only been a few minutes, but it seemed like a lot of time had passed. Drank some water and smoked some weed, and then joined the rest of my group in the living room.

My roommate had just smoked his salvia, and was about to break the television with a hockey stick, but someone stopped him. He was devastated by being disarmed and proceeded to crawl around on the floor like a worm, alternating between whimpering and laughing for quite a few minutes. He made it to his bedroom and we didn't see him until the next morning.

After seeing my roommate swinging hockey stick, I asked everyone in the room how I acted while I was tripping. I explained that I had blacked out and didn't really remember much of what had happened. They said I just sat on the couch staring straight ahead, not making eye contact with anyone. They kept asking me "Are you okay?" and "Do you need anything?" After much silence, I responded with "stop asking me."

So that's my (only) salvia trip. Missed all the visuals, and it turned me off pretty badly. The only other drug (other than alcohol and some scripts) that I've ever blacked out on was mushrooms. I wonder if any of this is normal.

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