Influencer moves to LA for work but can’t keep up with the lifestyle

It's not impossible to live as an adult. It's impossible to follow trends, buy whatever you want whenever want and do whatever you want when you're an adult. When I see people complaining about current day stuff I laugh. I support my small family on my job alone. I make less than $60,000. We own a home, we are all covered by health insurance, I have a retirement account that's getting nice and fat. I also have a five year old phone, I don't buy a shit ton of stuff (...just in case my wife is reading I do splurge on vinyl and board games and...weed).

But listen here kid. The world is what you make of it. My suggestion is to have fun in your twenties. Don't buy anything big, just have fun and do whatever job you want. Don't work too hard at it. But know that having fun comes at the price of seemingly everything being out of reach (cars/home/whatever). But right around when you hit 30 get your shit together. Start trying for jobs you think you are unqualified for and shoot for the moon. Shit will start to even out for you by your mid 30's.

Just go for the ride, have some fun, and then get down to business. Always remember the loudest people are not the majority of people.

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