This is a scene out of a Disney film..HTF is this legal? (sorry, not sure where to share)

That didn't work but here you go man...

Yeah i wemembew being shocked by thawt, i guess iwt's owne of those things they'we despewatewy twying tuwu gwoss ovew juwst wike theiw owd wacist wowks(sunfwowew in fantasia anyone?). I'm suwpwised they'we keeping iwt in the fiwm awnd i'm wondewing if iwt's going tuwu get a discwaimew at the beginning wike sowme of theiw newew fiwms thawt they announced wouwd wemain intact despite sowme peopwe having issues with thewm... thiws owne iws pwetty extweme awnd i definitewy think they shouwd edit iwt. I'm often appawwed by whawt's wegaw, thewe's naked photos of chiwdwen wegawwy fow sawe onwine because they'we deemed 'awt' even by peopwe own weddit(bwooke shiewds naked in pwayboy at age 10). Anothew exampwe iws twaci wowds pownogwaphy fiwms being avaiwabwe despite hew being undewage whewn they wewe fiwmed(they wewe undew the impwession she was owdew whewn fiwming but iwt was stiww sowd aftew finding out). Iwt seems if something was made in a time whewe thawt was okay then peopwe juwst awwow iwt tuwu be in ciwcuwation because iwt's suddenwy a 'cowwectows item' ow pawt of histowy/awt. Iwt's weawwy gwoss awnd i down't cawe who disagwees.

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