School's Changed

And this is why discipline is important in the home and school.

At school you need to embarrass the little shits since you can't physically touch them and the only thing they care about is how others see them.

So you destroy them publicly about their grades and intelligence, about how they will be dancing on a pole or in prison both places getting man handled by filthy fat guys.

Parents need to take it to the physical level when teachers call and report this shit, schools might not be able to hit you but your daddy sure as shit can. (In whatever proper way is acceptable form of corporal discipline by your state laws, or you know more than that and explain if child welfare is called the next time it will be ten times worse).

Seriously people, I am a single father of two teenagers, neither of them act like this and it was simple, fear and respect start on them early and make sure you are the one person they have to listen to or there is hell to pay, then back off as they get older if you do it right it is like training a puppy when they are young you have to smack them on the nose and rub their face in shit, but when they are older they are well behaved because you did the right thing early on.

These are the same stupid ass kids that do this and then act all uppity with cops and get shot, then we wonder why, this is why, no fathers at home to teach them not to be savages.

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