Second time I dream about a meteorite colliding to earth.

I made a post here about this a few days ago but took it down because I was getting downvoted so much it dropped my karma by about 1k, and I thought I surely must have upset people so I took it down out of shame and respect.

But I get waking premonitions often, I personally believe it’s my intuition warning me so I can steel myself and emotionally prepare for unfortunate events. Anyway though, I recently had the most intense and horrifying premonition of my life. It has been days and I am still quite distraught over it, wondering if I’m losing my mind or what. But I saw a scene in my mind’s eye; a vision I suppose. What I saw was this:

A street with tall, grey buildings on either side. People are running from something all through the street, and there was yellow gas or smoke or fumes of some sort, approx. 10-15ft from the ground up. I felt as if I was there, in the event. There was chaos everywhere, panic and fear- sheer terror and confusion. I remember thinking “what’s happening? What’s happening?” And as I have ruminated on it more (which I was reluctant to due to how absolutely intense the feeling of fear and chaos related to the premonition was) and I can strongly sense something huge and terrifying behind me that is distinctly NOT supposed to be there. I am inclined to think the yellow gas/smoke/fumes are sulphuric.

But yeah- the sense of of sheer chaos and panic, people running from something through a street lined with tall grey buildings, and yellow gas/smoke/fumes.

I have been honestly questioning my sanity after this, because it was (and is) so intense and horrifying feeling. And no one will receive it well that I try to talk to about it. It has made me feel very isolated, invalidated, and depressed. I know this is tmi but it’s my attempt to communicate how much this particular premonition has weighed on my life since experiencing it. I guess I’ll just be biding my time trying to cope with this and quell my mind. And I guess I’ll will find out if it’s a premonition or psychosis eventually, aha.

But no, y’all aren’t the only ones having such premonitions.

/r/precognition Thread