Selling ROTMG Items for gamestop/subway giftcards

[2:48:52 PM] *** lalalu2009 Reddit would like to add you on Skype

Hi Phillip Nguyen, I'd like to add you as a contact. *** [2:48:56 PM] *** uchihasasuke1xd has shared contact details with lalalu2009 Reddit. *** [2:49:44 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Hello. I'm interested in purchasing multiple UB HP's, for either Subway Cards/Game Stop cards. [2:50:09 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: how many are you buying? [2:50:31 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Well, I have multiple $50 Subways/Game Stop cards. [2:50:55 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: ok [2:51:14 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Interested in about 50 UB HP's, and some skins to be exact. [2:51:43 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: do you have a MM or are you planning to go first, do you want me to make a mule and give it to you are you make a mule, give me password and I put 17 ub hp in each mule [2:52:38 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I have a storage account that has multiple vaults and such. Also, I have 30 vouches, if you don't feel that is enough, MM can be arranged. [2:53:04 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: yeah get MM plz , what is your reddit name btw [2:53:29 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: This is me. [2:54:46 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: wait are you buying/selling? _^ cuz it say u sell ub hp for 1$ each [2:55:17 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I re-stock from suppliers like you :).... and sell them for a profit to shops. [2:56:00 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Also, what do you mean by delivery will take 1-2 weeks? [2:56:25 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: deliever robably 1-2 days but like if I was in emergency longest it can take is 1-2 weeks [2:56:41 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Wait, so the items are instant? [2:56:43 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: like I can latterly get it right now [2:56:55 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: but just to be safe I extended the time duration [2:57:13 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: RotmgTrentPm for Middleman <> id like him if possible [2:57:35 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: No one would buy from you if that's the case:/.....usually the items need to be instantly given when a person sends you the codes. [2:58:11 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: if u like I can suicide with a st set right now and take a picture ( was gonna do it anyways so i prove im not a scammer and we can trade right now) [2:58:44 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: -_- that sentence came out kinda weird lol [2:58:44 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I don't feel you're a scammer, but like I said before, are the items going to be given to me now or later on?... [2:58:58 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: right away i have all the items ready [2:59:05 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Oh ok. [2:59:15 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Uh, would you be safe with using Pixled as an MM? [2:59:28 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: i only said 1-2 weeks just in case i have an emergency like internet is down [2:59:34 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: can i see his page [2:59:44 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Trent is Australian, so he's not on atm. [3:00:16 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: look at Pixled, his flair says he is an official MM. [3:01:34 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: that says nathan.bonfanti [3:01:59 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I know, click on Pixleds name though. He doesn't have an page, just a flair to show he is an MM. [3:02:50 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: are u sure that is the right link? the link is stating that "SELLING MULTIBOX AND 5 ACCOUNTS" [3:03:17 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: This is him. His Skype has a ROTMG picture on it I believe. [3:04:04 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I'll be leaving in about 40 minutes or so. [3:04:30 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: ima check him out scroll through a few thigs [3:04:44 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: For sure. [3:05:07 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: so he doesn't have a vouch page, but a flair. Right? [3:05:52 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Once he gains the rank of mm, he doesn't need a vouch page, because he's already trusted. [3:06:18 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: where does it say he earned the rank mm? [3:07:03 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: On his flair....30+vouches, and mm. [3:07:10 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: oh i see ok [3:07:18 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: is he online right now? [3:07:28 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: can we do 10$/20$ first ima nervouse [3:07:32 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: nervouse* [3:07:38 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: nervous* [3:07:39 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: I really don't know yet [3:08:19 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: And uh, that makes it sound sketchy. We can't waste an MM's time like that. [3:08:48 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: oh [3:09:26 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: ok w.e ill do $50 [3:10:14 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: For 50 UB HP's correct? [3:10:36 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: so basically i give pixled 50 ub hp, and you give him the cold right? [3:10:55 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: code* [3:11:09 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Yes [3:12:37 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: did u talk to pixled yet? [3:12:59 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Not yet .. [3:13:21 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: ? [3:13:31 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: im talking to him right now.. he just added me [3:32:22 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Why did he snap? [3:32:34 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Did you pm something bad [3:33:55 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Hello? [3:34:00 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: 1sec [3:34:01 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Is deal off? [3:35:10 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: i don't trust him [3:35:13 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Ok then... so it's off? [3:35:41 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: yeah [3:36:39 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: So i can't buy off you:/... [3:38:07 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: ? [3:39:46 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: no unless u go first [3:40:21 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: You have no vouches.. [3:40:42 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: [3:41:07 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: his Skype name = cube destroyer, the guy that got scammed was scammed by the same person.. [3:41:14 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: tbh i think ur pixled right now... [3:41:29 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Lol. [3:42:30 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Explain? [3:42:33 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Or.. [3:43:05 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: nvmm ee [3:44:22 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Lol. Your comment is going to make me laugh. [3:47:14 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: So no deal or is my time wasted?? [3:47:26 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: no unless you go first im not selling [3:48:29 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: You have no vouches lol. [3:49:49 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Ok ignore me. Seems legit bro. [3:56:20 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: So I guess it's over right :/.. [3:56:55 PM] uchihasasuke1xd: idk maybe we can trade when i get vouches/ ima only use trent as a MM [3:58:46 PM] lalalu2009 Reddit: Alright man, fair enough.

/r/rotmgtradingpost Thread