How Is Magic Used In Your Worlds?

Broken Coasts

Modern magic is heavily ritualistic, time consuming, an dependent on time of day. But, thankfully, it's post-industrial so many of the complicates have been streamlined out.

Instead of preparing a ritual circle by hand and going through the process every time you need to cast something, rituals are prepared ahead of time in cannisters or grenades that ignite when activated and activate ritual circles engraved on the exterior.

The verbal component of rituals is dependent on very particular inflections and tone, but playing a recording of the incantation works too. So if possible, most spellcasters will use or make their own recordings in safe conditions to play in combat.

The hour/day of planetary forces essentially boils down to a vaguely occult day planner though, but dammit I made art for it.

And yes, this does mean anybody that can follow instructions can perform magic. Even with equipment, spellbooks, and certain reagents being outlawed or heavily restricted, there's always a level of it that makes it's ways to the streets for criminal - or eccentric hobbyist - use.

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