Serious questions for the Left.

None of the information I can find about any of these topics to debate either side is verifiable. So I choose not to believe anything. Here's what I think with the little info I have anyway.

  1. I've never really looked into George Soros because I don't really care since it really doesn't affect who I will vote for, but from the videos you shared, he seems like someone who is mentally damaged from his WW2 experiences, but also someone who gives a shitload of money to good causes.

  2. Sounds like bullshit to get people worked up and distracted from real issues. I don't believe there is club of people devoted to hiding some secret information. Illuminati level conspiracy. I don't believe that kind of bullshit because people are human. They can barely make it to work on time. They have lives and distractions and sleep disorders. No one is orchestrating a conspiracy on that level, someone would fuck up, it just wouldn't work.

  3. Most of the anger fueling these groups is coming from the right. Donald Trump's statement about Mexico and attempted muslim bans are examples. There is a lot of evidence of a disproportionate amount of police brutality and murder from white cops against black people. If I were black I would be angry and scared too. The response from the right being "All Lives Matter" or, in other words, "we don't give a shit about your problems" just fuels the fire. This country as a whole should first seek to end the disproportionate amount of violence from police towards black people, end the system of commercial prisons, and support language that unites people of all races. We need to end the cycle of violence, not get out and spit on minorities because you don't care about their problem.

  4. I guess its not clear by ending free speech. I don't know anything about this, but it sounds like total bullshit and I'm not going to give credence to your claims by researching them. If you bully or harass someone, for any reason, you should have consequences. Free speech doesn't mean you should be able to go out and fucking ruin peoples lives by bullying them. That should be a criminal offense.

The real threat to free speech is Donald Trump with his war on the media and his attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him. He's a real coward in that regard, and in general is a big, pompous, piece of shit.

Anyway, I'm not a democrat. I think anyone who blindly follows a political party is a problem. I think a lot of people here will agree with that, but we all see eye-to-eye that people who fill T_D are a real threat to this country, so we come together in that regard, uniting under a common umbrella. However, the troll army who supports the donald tend to lump democrats and liberals together, because they're pretty much brainwashed to do so.

You think there is this common enemy or common agenda, but the only group united behind an agenda are the donald supporters. Anyone else is standing together in fear/preparation for the fallout that will follow this regime.

I think almost everyone in washington is corrupt, including Hillary and her bunch, but no one is as bad as trump and his cabinet. At least the Clinton's maintained the status quo, while Donald Trump and his cronies will tear down this country and rob its citizens completely.

/r/Democrat Thread