Universal pharmacare would save Canadians $4.2B a year, parliamentary budget officer says

I'm acutely aware of your disgusting political beliefs.

are you suggesting this isn't what you were implying? the kekistani people have long been called nazis for enjoying simple memes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mInQbhgmnBc are you going to tell me that this is not one of the most ridiculous movements of all time? how can you begin to draw political analysis from the fact that i find meme culture amusing enough to use it as a screen name? and then your trying to gaslight me. oh bro why are you getting all defensive after i called your political beliefs disgusting in a political climate where jews like Ben Shapiro are being called nazi's for not believing in socialism. i get that hillary clinton came out and said pepe is a nazi hate symbol. but she also lost an election to trump. to trump. one more time. she lost an election to trump. are you honestly going to put your faith in her political analysis?

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca