Transgender teen viciously beaten at high school in Newark

Why are expensive pills and future plastic surgery presented as solutions instead of therapy that aims to help the person accept how they were born.

Why are we applying a physical treatment to something that is rooted in the mind? If gender is a social construct, then gender identity is something that is learned. Their bodies typically have nothing wrong with them and are function exactly how they should for the sex they were born as.

Like I get that transition stops some people from offing themselves, but do we even try to get them to accept the way they are first after diagnosis? Or do we tell them transition is the only solution and allow the problem to fester as they are forced to wait for what they are told is the only way to go?

Giving a child puberty blockers makes it seem like the answer to that is the latter. Like if some diagnosed trans people are able to decide on their own later on that they do not want to transition, would't that imply that some people that end up transitioning might be able to be treated through therapy?

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