Seriously. Guys : you don't have to be a short, femboy with no muscles and act feminine to be in RR. Girls : You don't have to be tall, a tomboy, muscle packed and act manly to be in RR.

I was planning on making a post similar to this, but it got very long. This is a complex practice we're talking about with many dimensions that most of us don't fully understand: all kinds of social nuances, generalizations, and contradictions that all interact to create the warm fuzzy feeling we associate with role reversal.

Specifically, the definition of role reversal is hard, but in a really simplistic way I boil it down to men and women displaying behaviors that are typically associated with the other gender by a large portion of people in a variety of counties, but especially America (or so it appears).

So with that in mind, I would also say that there all kinds of ways that women are very strong, many of which they share with men, and so the concept of a "strong woman" is kind of nebulous as well. What we're really talking about is women being assertive and confident in a way that is traditionally associated with the masculine.

Now, with that basis laid out and in front of us, I wanted to relate some behaviors a woman I've been spending time with lately does that makes our relationship feel very role reversely. Also for context, we're not dating per se, but I would say dating to dating adjacent and making progress; she's extremely busy and poly and already dating a number of people, but interested in me, too:

When we were walking to get take out she gently put her hand in the middle of my back near the base of my spine and just held it there, fingers tented, as we walked.

We hadn't seen each other in a while and I thought she might be losing interest, but she started playing footsy with me/capturing my feet under the table during board games. She's extremely dominant in board games, which is not a gendered thing but feels very authoritative given the package.

She's a doctor of Neurology and extremely busy, even created the resident union chapter at our hospital; I'm just an admin, making my way up but no where near her prestige and eventual pay.

She's assertive and unflinching in pursuing what she wants. Me included.

When I spent the night I spooned her initially, until she pushed me over and said "Okay, now I'm going to spoon you". She's likewise an aggressive snuggler/cuddler.

On a recent business trip of mine, she came along and offered to read to me while we drove. I could tell she really wanted to read the book she was interested in to me aloud. On the way back she placed her hand on my neck for quite a while and ruffled my hair every time I made her laugh. She gently ran her fingers over my ears and generally just kind of explored.

She has these eyes that just kind of bore into you and she is absolutely lightning quick. The moment you say something out of line and she's calling you out on it. No hesitation, pure confidence. Is she occasionally insecure or lacking confidence? Of course, she's human. Most of the time she 10 steps ahead of you.

All this and she's a slender, waifish little lady at 5'6" and maybe 110/120 lbs? Yet I've never been with anyone who has exuded the kind of authority she does. It's amazing.

/r/RoleReversal Thread