Only 11% of Australian nurses are men. A campaign exists to improve this figure. A news report on the entire subject of male nurses.

This is going to sound like a weird thing to say, but it's really nice to hear a woman acknowledge sexism towards men from other women without it being a "but of course women have it worse" or "but men have the patriarchy so it evens out". You might be surprised how often I hear that sort of thing.

In my experience most of the men I've met don't really mind women joining "male-spaces" so long as they are as capable as their male equivalent and fit in with the general atmosphere. The trouble is a lot of women try to be "one of the guys", so the guys treat them as "one of the guys" but then the woman mistakes the high-expectations and banter men are used to for being singled out as a woman. But of course I don't spend much time with really traditional "women should stay in the kitchen" arseholes.

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