Is it wrong/weird to have fantasies of cuddling with a potential partner?

The most exposure of 'relationships' I got were from my 2 older brothers (I'm the youngest in the family). Both use to be playboys actually one use to be a playboy while the other was more like a girl magnet. Anyway I've seen their relationships end in good terms, bad terms, or ones where thier SO cheated. But, a common theme of all of them is that they mostly in charge with everything in the relationship and it didn't sit right with me. While I like to have equal ground for my potential relationship but at the same I'm fine with my partner taking the lead. Also, I'm afraid that if I introduce my rr partner to my parents they wouldn't accept her as well for my older brothers and saying I'm not "manly," and everytime I time see my older brothers with their GF I get envious because my mindset is that they were able to do it and yet why is so much harder for me to the same, with that is why I started to force my self to not have those fantasies in order to be accepted. It also doesn't help that I'm the youngest.

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