
Reputation breakdown for /u/Whitie8lax

Account created: Nov-15-2013

Account age: 514 days old.

Link to Rep Profile in /r/mcsrep

Info about testimonies made on behalf of /u/Whitie8lax:

Name Account Age(in days) Karma Count Link to Their Rep Profile Comment about /u/Whitie8lax
CollinBMC 616 946 link Confirmed Good Seller. Highly Recommended.
crazyjaf 2245 10002 None Great seller. Quick and easy, and a great help for a newbie.
neko819 452 2189 link Sold /u/Whitie8lax 10 Mil @ $2/m. Very easy to work with. Thanks.
DoesntEatBabies 324 11411 link Confirmed. It was my first sale, he walked me through it and we had zero complications. 10/10
Erick_martinez 43 3 link Bought 2.5million for 10$ Amazon Gift Card, easy to work with.
soccerfan1211 373 3279 None How do I gift my packs to you? I'm asking 110k each pack
ha876 572 1594 link Confirmed!
Mawrawr 1002 1143 link Confirmed!
zachattack777 809 5 link Could you post in my rep you sold me 7m? Thanks
elitespace1125 763 505 link Confirmed, quick and easy.
aladdinr 1415 94 None /u/Whitie8lax great seller got 4 mil seamlessly via Amazon.

/u/Whitie8lax's Rep Profile has 130 top-level comments, only 10 is shown above.

/r/santa_mana Thread