Share your favorite Fallout story.

The Minutemen have been investigating me lately. It seemed a little weird when three of them showed up at my Zimonja residence, they had never done that before. Piper had told them to wait outside, and when I arrived I let them in. The three seemed casual, said that they needed a base to use since they had some work to do in the area. I said they could use my residence while Piper and I did Commonwealth business.

I didn't see the minutemen for a couple of months, until I arrive one day from some scavenging to see three more of them around the floor safe I have outdoors, in my workshop area. As soon as I notice them, the three immediately depart and I couldn't even catch up to them in time to see where they went. I asked Piper if any minutemen had talked to her that day, she said no. I know they didn't get into that safe, otherwise they would have executed me on the spot.

I moved the safe contents to nearby the nearby robot Galleria, stored them in a washing machine on the second floor of a broken down, vacant shop. A couple of days later, I spotted a scavenger on my way back to Zimonja. Scavengers come around here a lot, every robot in the Galleria is dead and the scavenging prospects keep a constant flow. I wasn't going to kill her at first, but then I saw the minutemen back around my floor safe. I couldn't resist taking another one as they experienced failure so close by, I moved her body to the kitchen of another Galleria building before butchering her. The flies gathered as she sat in there for the next day as I enjoyed quality time with Piper.

The minutemen know that I tried to kill June Warwick, and that I killed her daughter Janey. They think that I killed a fellow minuteman, and two shopkeepers in Diamond City. They're right, but they can't prove it. I know they're keeping tabs, and someday I will have to run. Tonight I take number sixty one.

/r/Fallout Thread