Shen Support - which runes / build? (Lethal Shenpo)

A bit more context in case your curious; I love Shen but I hate playing top lane. Because of this I haven't really been able to play him in any viable setting.

But now I'm trying to get my old, super hardstuck bronze account out of elo hell and tagging my actual bronze friend along. But even while smurfing, it's often very hard to win because Shen supp isn't exactly 1v9 and elo doesn't make much of a difference when the enemy Irelia is 10/0.

P.S. How do you get bronze players to go back in when you ult them? What pings do you use? Many of my play-making ults are wasted because people just keep running away even though I'm pinging and ulting them.

/r/Shen Thread