Disabled man in UK starves to death after benefits stopped - Body discovered by bailiffs kicking in his door.

I see a lot of posts being downvoted, but I also want to play devil’s advocate.

In the article posted, the grieving daughter stated, “I was furious about it so I decided not to phone them about the mistake.”

Yes the government have made mistakes up to this point but there was still potential for her to avoid the house visit.

Instead, she wanted to prove a point by including this unknown doctor doing his/her job. The grieving daughter even stated she knew it’s not on him. It’s on the government.

The ends does not justify the means, and because someone else wronged her doesn’t mean she’s entitled to wrong them back in her roundabout way. Certainly, her emotions took control, and I understand that, but that’s not what we want to happen.

I don’t live in the UK, but I am a government worker, and again, while I understand her situation, I would walk out of that feeling like I’ve been used as a pawn.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com