What helps get you going the most in the morning?

The body will naturally convert β -asarone, naturally found in calamus, into the amphetamine TMA-2. In his book Pihkal (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved), Dr Shulgin suggests the effects of TMA-2 are similar to mescaline, but without the intensification of colours.

TMA-2, not PMA, I had my specific isomer of amphetamine quite off.

Paramethoxyamphetamine, the molecule I initially had written, was initially written on wikipedia a long time ago, under “Sweet Flag” (Calamus) - it has been since removed.

After little research, I found the relevance between amphetamine, amphetamine toxicity, and calamus.

It’s found in PiHKaL, written by Alexander Shulgin, a world renowned plant and synthetic psychiatric molecule researcher..

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