Should Communists be politically correct?

If you genuinely believe that the queer struggle is just sexual hedonism, then let me just say that you have been coerced by the bourgeoise into disavowing your fellow comrade.

The reason past socialist countries have criminalized homosexuality is because of the general ignorance towards queer identity and the struggle they face for simply existing. The criminalization of homosexuality was something that affected the entire world, because the entire non-queer world saw them as alien. However, this type of thinking is unacceptable in a truly free society.

“Promoting family values” is merely code for perpetuating Western misogyny and homophobia, which is directly against what socialism should be. Women in the USSR and China were free to start their own careers, and create their own lives. I’m sure you would also believe that the right to an abortion is “sexual hedonism.” Because you are merely spewing out the lies of the bourgeoisie to create factions in our movement.

Queer liberation is the logical next step of liberating the proletariat. Queer people of all nations should be free to exist without having to conceal their identities. If you think that their identities is nothing but sexual hedonism, then you are believing right-wing propaganda, as your username would imply.

  • A non-queer comrade
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