Valkyrie takes the number 1 spot in terms of pick rate.

I'm just saying it isn't the threat it used to be.

The damage was nerfed, the barrels can be disarmed and destroyed, and more importantly they got rid of blurred vision. That's a MASSIVE nerf.

It used to be that when someone activated a gas trap they fucking backed off. Immediately. Didn't matter if it was in a building or around an open corner - you hit that trap and you scattered. It was genuinely frightening.

All I'm saying is these days it's VERY common for folks to hit a trap and push regardless. Do you still get a sight edge? Yes. Is it anywhere close to what it was? No.

When I used to main him, he was THE control king. If you locked down a building or was yours, undisputed. Folks had to peck and poke at the traps before pushing. These days it's an 80% chance the pushing team doesn't give a shit and walks right through the gas, and whoever has the better aim or shoots first is going to win, gas be damned. It honestly feels like the only time the gas matters is in very close fights.

He's not useless. The gas helps. It still makes a difference. But for folks who loved maining a fucking beast of a control character, that time has passed. Caustic just isn't what he used to be and for folks like me I've moved on to greener pastures.

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