Should a President be given consideration when looking at the economy?

I think you're being a bit too condescending, it's not conducive to a good discussion. But your points aren't bad - I have a few more replies/comments.

The comparison to Reagan is your baseline, sorry. I figured that you were contrasting Trump and Obama. My mistake.

Leftists always say this shit and never do a thing to justify it.

No, not leftists. Any economist. You yourself admit that 90 years ago was different, but somehow it's "leftist" to say that 30 years ago was different. The world was a much different place under Reagan, and we both know that. To compare these things in a vacuum misses too much subtlety - it simply doesn't work.

Almost everyone in the finance of business world looks at percentage gains rather than point gains, fyi. It's the only way you can compare time A to time B, since the market inflates in price over time.

Because comparing one year to the four previous highlights just how shitty Obama was by pointing out the timescale required to achieve changes of comparable magnitude. If it took Obama five years to almost match Trump, I'd have gone with a five year comparison instead.

Again, look at Obama's first term. I'm not saying he was the cause, he wasn't. But if you want to show how shitty Obama was or wasn't, you need to look at the entire 8 years. And we both agree that coming out a recession is the driving factor to the recovery.

At this point we'd have to compare the recession in 2008 to Reagan's. There could be many reasons that we recovery quicker back then compared to today. I'm not nearly knowledgeable enough to go into detail though. I'd be wary about making the comparison because of my lack of knowledge. What I do know is that they were different - somehow, and likely in many ways.

Not the first time an apologist for Hopey-Changey

Please, the ad-hominem attack and grouping me with other people is not productive. I already stated what I think about Obama. And my assessment of his presidency is not good. I'm far from an Obama apologist.

Wanna bet?

You're absolutely right. The projections had the unemployment reaching a low in 2014 - it didn't reach that point until some time in 2016. The recovery was slower than expected. I don't put all of that on Obama like you do though. There are so many more factors other than who the president is.

Finally, a point about the weather! Forecasts are accurate these days. Much more than 50%! People always overlook the days when the forecast is right but remember when it was wrong because those wrong forecasts tend to negatively impact people's plans.

So overall, I get what you're saying. Obama's recovery was slower than it could have been. It was slower than Reagan's recovery. I agree with those points. I disagree with placing the blame on Obama and no one else. And I really disagree with how you appear to be much more concerned with Liberals/leftists losing and being sad/angry than anything else.

Thanks again for the convo.

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