Some people think the Hebrews escaped bondage in Egypt and spent the next 40 years getting to Brooklyn.

This one always makes me laugh, it’s so ahistorical and ignorant, but … honestly, sometimes I wonder if Jews like this feel a sense of shared peoplehood with Jews like my family, some of whom were among the few to manage to continue living near Jerusalem for the last couple thousand years against all odds, or my family who moved there hundreds of years ago when Jews were expelled by the Alhambra Decree. Do they only feel a sense of peoplehood with their friends with similar backgrounds who all grew up in the same area (usually somewhere that was actually colonized in a more obvious sense)?

Honestly, it feels kind of bad to hear things like this. A lot of people give lip service to Jewish diversity but never truly consider the perspective of Jews with different histories (aka the “our real homeland is Brooklyn” types).

/r/Jewpiter Thread Link -