[SPOILERS] Castlevania Season 2 Discussion Thread

While i liked the all around experience, some parts were kinda forced and slow, and others ignored plotlines to set up a new season. For instance, the whole Carmilla BS. How long has dracula lived? Is he so tired of life he cant seem to notice THE OBVIOUS BETRAYAL in front of him, nor talk back to a random beatch who was 10 times more insubordinate then Godbrand who he threatened with death? After Isaac killed Godbrand, who virtually informed him of the OBVIOUS PLOT AND MENTIONED CARMILLA, why was he suprised when said plot happened, and why didnt he inform dracula (ik about the whole "ill kill anyone against you in the shadows" bit but why didnt he investigate carmilla)? Why did noone notice Godbrands disapearance other then like 2 sentences, i mean hes a fricking GENERAL (albeit an unreliable one) who was summoned from fking norway (i assume bc viking) for this war and why did none of his silent-general pals notice nothing? Why was all of draculas generals still fighting on his side when carmilla was supposedly going to turn them (they were fighting carmillas forces)? If she didnt turn them then why werent they suprised when the bridge fell and said nothing, simply turning back? Why did noone attack the vamps in that dumb building while the sun was out? I would ask why didnt hector leave carmilla since he had an ENTIRE FKIN DAY to get away or kill her by idk firing fire arrows or forging a few henchmen from the innumerable dead bodies around (dont give me the "he cant it was daytime" cuz isaac did it with those fools in the desert)? And so many more plotlines that were abandoned or forgotten. But hey, this series has a flying sword fighting vampire wolf, so take my monies! Seriously though, i enjoyed the series a bunch, even though ive heard some of the jokes before (looking at you "i got a stick" joke) and the way it was formatted like the slow last episode tested my willpower.

TLDR good series bad tropes and forgotten plotlines.

P.S. i do hope someone answers some of my questions since while ive heard of the series and played a few games im not a hardcore lore-whore (<is this offensive? Just came up with it on the spot, lol).

/r/castlevania Thread