There is no way 95% of the community are getting to tier 200 by the end of this season.

That's the point though. Would you want every player you meet to have the best skins and guns ect.? Why even have a tier system then? You're wanting the same formula as the past call for duty's. As someone who started playing the franchise back at cod 2 when these things weren't a issue I can remember not having to buy everything I want. I remember the good times with my buddies grinding out camos and perks ect. It saddened me with the blantant cash grab of cosmetics throughout the years. I'd much rather it be this way where I can earn them like it should be. I could care less if it's difficult. I doubt I'll get to tier 200 buts that's the whole point. Keep the fanbase playing the game or get the money out of people who lack the patience or time to earn the tiers. Like I said. Aggressive marketing.

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