Stack Overflow toxicity

Stack overflow is amusingly terrible. I saw a question from 2014 have a mod post in january of this year "this question is a duplicate" - despite the fact that that question (and the subsequent answers) had become the de facto reference for people googling answers to that question. They had apparently not taken even a few seconds to understand what they were doing

The number of times I've seen exactly that situation happen - questions being shut down, power users arguing angrily about the merits of the question, repeatedly getting it closed as duplicates of clearly non duplicate questions - while the actual answers are insanely useful, is slightly absurd. Stack overflow succeeds very much despite some of the power users

We definitely need something better, and especially something less gamified. People trying to accumulate reputation seems to be a fairly reasonable part of the problem in my opinion, as it seems to encourage poor behaviour

/r/cpp Thread