coost - A fantastic C++ library

I have started something quite similar, started by working on my own Json parser, which lead to doing my own C++ wrapper for auto resizing C strings which then led to me going f it I'm just gonna make my own library. Have been more focussed on stuff like atomic variables, smart pointers (including thread safe ones), any variables, thread safe streams etc. to begin with but also going to keep expanding to stuff I find useful.

Some of your web stuff could be useful with my website generator too and am planning to add server side stuff in soon, including server side rendering using my templating already in Nift. Was planning to probably use crow for some of that but will look into coost too..

Currently I've got my library called dyspo locally but one name i have been tossing up over is beest from wilderbeest, which are fast, beest is a cool name, would allow for a cool logo/mascot and is similar to boost.

Yell if you'd be keen to compare notes on these sorts of things..

/r/cpp Thread