I still can't fathom that the game actually delivered on the absurd hype it had before release

me too I got too much hype for the game, waited 4 months to play it didn't watch videos or see spoilers at all the first 2 hours were good but that was that, all the time I was playing a thought in my head was just there "I don't love this game" or "I hate this game"
it's not super hard I got stuck like 2 or 3 times I didn't think the story was enough I hated how the fan base loved the game just because they said so and how hateful they get when someone says otherwise this game is probably the most average dark souls game I have played (i played dark souls 1-2-3 and shadow die twice) and how everything fucking die like bro wtf everything FUCKING DIES Miyazaki took one look at his game and said kill all the NPC LIKE REALLY and that my opinion

/r/Eldenring Thread