I surprise traded my only Perserker for christmas, i EV trained it and even gave it an ability patch. That pokemon went to the person who traded me this.

Hey! I'm the FreePKM guy (also formerly the FreeMons4.me guy). Just want to give a little info as many seem to misunderstand the objective of these Pokemon. The website redirects to our Discord, where there are no paywalls, hence the name. We hate, and are rivaling all of those websites and services that make people pay. There are kids out there that think they have no choice but to pay, and would even make their parents pay for a single Pokemon. There are also eBay sellers making thousands of dollars off of these people. We hate people making a profit off of something that was created for free (the bots). We also want to let people know that we support others playing however they want to play, and we offer those bots for free. If you don't want to use them, that's fine, but these bots are built for people like me, who are too busy or just don't care as much about grinding in games. The option is available though, and these Admons don't hurt anyone. Even if you dislike them, feel free to just take the Master Ball I attach to them, and then Release. Or, you can trade it back out and hope you're saving someone's wallet by spreading it. By sending these through Surprise Trade, I'm hoping that it puts a dent in the wallet of other genners by spreading word while also inviting friendly people to a Discord that is a friendly, well-moderated and peaceful community for Pokemon. Most of the time I send out foreign 6IV shiny Ditto, but for Christmas I got a little creative and giving and threw out a Ceruledge. The thing is, if you want that Pokemon without an advertisement in the name, you can just build a new one in our Discord the way you want. I hope you all enjoy and never pay for Pokemon!

/r/PokemonScarletViolet Thread Link - i.redd.it