Rachel Gilmore on Twitter: I had to make a personal email public so people could contact me about work opportunities. While so many kind people have reached out, some have taken it as a chance to send me — and my laid off colleagues — abuse. This is a tiny sample.

I know all political parties have a diverse following, especially with education levels/basic intelligence.

That said, these far-right fuck holes are fucking morons. So easily manipulated and weaponized.

I’m all for true democracy but a basic fucking intelligence test should be mandatory to participate.

Conservative politicians constantly try to defund and sabotage our education system as a way of recruiting these morons to their cause.

These conservative politicians think/know their base is mostly made up of morons and gladly radicalize and manipulate these fucking idiots to support their cause. They must laugh behind close doors on how friggen easy it is.

/r/onguardforthee Thread Link - twitter.com